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[1998 - Birth]

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) December 28th, 1998 12:03pm - Time2Die -

I finally reloaded Frontpage98 (re-installed my OS) today. The KI private forums have moved (check the private channel topic for info). The online forms most likely do not work, but should shortly. I'll post info as I make changes...

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) December 22nd, 1998 1:58am - Glide -

Well, once again we have moved web service providers.  This web service provider, however, gives us 150mb of storage space, statistical logs, as well as unlimited email aliases that are controlled by us instead of them.   Which brings me to my next point-- once again, I need the names and forwarding emails of all people would would like an "@killersinc.com" email forwarding address.  Use my name in the titlebar to send an email to me.  I lost all the previous requests in an Outlook Express 5 "debocle", so just send it again please.

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) December 12th, 1998 11:12am - Glide -

Ahhh!  It feels good to have a home.  I would also like to thank Time2Die for his work in moving the site.  I hope everyone gets the chance to enjoy our new domain as much as I'm sure Time and I will. 

Now to the good stuff--we have "unlimited" email forwarding capabilities.  This means you can be "yourname@killersinc.com".  If you're a KI member, and would like your own forwarding address, send me an email with what email alias you would like (i.e., I will be glide@killersinc.com), along with what email address to forward to.  The email forwarding is not as simple to do as on the glides.com site (i.e. we have to send in requests to the web hosting service provider), so give 24 to 48 hours for your mail forwarding to go into effect.  The administration of this site outside of the HTML appears to be somewhat complicated (i.e., they give us no means of maintaining the details of the website ourselves), and since we have a 90 day money-back guarantee, this site could easily move again within the next few weeks.   However, killersinc.com is here to stay!

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) December 12th, 1998 9:30am - Time2Die -

Welcome to our new home! Thanks Glide for your work in getting this site setup for us and I guess thanks to myself for migrating the site itself over. There were a few bugs in moving everything over (like the intro paging telling me that the default page was index.htm when it was index.html) but everything seems to ok. I'll be taking a look today at the links in the news pages and making sure that they are still linked correctly. If there any other issues, please drop me an email.

The KI forums are down. The reason being that I had one of the computer rooms re-wired and before leaving Friday I forgot to double check that connection. It should be back up Sunday.

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) December 11th, 1998 12:01am - Time2Die -

Woohoo...more photoshop fun with some brom pictures. <<link>>

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) December 10th, 1998 6:19pm - Time2Die -

Glide has secured us Killersinc.com and will in the next couple of days move the site its new home. As with any move, there might be a few problems/bugs with the html when it's migrated from glides.com to killersinc.com so please be patient. When the move happens...it will be posted in the channel topics. There are some other benefits to us moving to our new web host/provider, but I'll let glide post those details after the move.

Also, I fixed Noogmans "very dark" bio pic with one I found from the site I posted below.  Also archived some of the news (weee!). For some reason, ny.gamesnet.net (at least for me) doesn't seem to be showing channel topics...even tho they're really there. Strange ehh?

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) December 9th, 1998 9:41pm - Time2Die -

Fixed the dates...no more 8rd. Also added Apocalips's Bio Picture.

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) December 8th, 1998 10:30pm - Time2Die -

Aetius found a cool web site with a ton of Fantasy pictures <<link>>. It's saves me a TON of time when those that are without bio pic's go out and find me the picture they want to use. Here is Aetius's bio picture before and after <<here>>. You can find the finished product under the members page as well. You can see from this example that you don't really need a picture that's perfect and ready to go in it's "virgin" state. Just find one and email it to me with any extra instructions that might be useful. The Brom stuff on that page is my favorite.

Almost forgot. For all those having troubles getting on Gamesnet (which is all of us) here is a list of Gamesnet IRC servers:

  • ny.gamesnet.net
  • va.gamesnet.net
  • pa.gamesnet.net
  • ca.gamesnet.net
  • mo.gamesnet.net
  • or.gamesnet.net

Not the most precise...but a start. You can always do a "/links" command under mIRC to view the current IRC servers once connected.

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) December 3rd, 1998 8:19pm - Time2Die -

Would like to welcome Aetius to the Clan and to the Q2 team.

If you haven't got it already, pickup the new minigl dll for 3dfx board's <<here>> I didn't see an increase in FPS's in Quake2...but I got a whole 4 frames in glquake. Also, here are 2 small demo's of me doing alternate ways of making the jump on q2dm1 to the Yellow armor and 100 health. Real Small 9k file <<link>>

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) November 25th, 1998 1:00pm - Time2Die -

Check out <<this link>> for some cool Q2 demo's. Or course for your pleasure I'll post which ones are worth looking at (at least of the ones I've downloaded).

Happy Holidays...

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) November 25rd, 1998 9:32am - Time2Die -

Woo...10 thousand hits. Driveby dropped me an email to say he was the 10,000th hit.

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) November 23rd, 1998 10:28am - Time2Die -

Summary of our Q2 Organizational meeting was that we're going to compete in DM and that practices are going to be Mondays and Wednesdays starting at 8PM EDT. After we have a grasp on team play we'll join a tourney.

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) November 21st, 1998 6:33pm - Time2Die -

Here are some q2CTF/lmCTF demo's I did a couple of weekend's ago. I thought I'd post them to show everyone an idea of how fun a Q2 ctf can be.

* = Really entertaining

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) November 20th, 1998 1:37pm - Time2Die -

For all those interested, I am holding a meeting Sunday Night at 8pm EDT (X-files are on at 9) to discuss the direction of the KI Q2 team. We will be discussing what mod we're going to compete in (RA2/lmCTF/DM/Q2ctf), possible tourney's, and some q2 configuration tips (possibly). If you can't attend, please drop me an email with your thoughts on this subject as we will start defining exactly who in the clan is interested in participating in the Q2 team.

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) November 16th, 1998 11:32pm - Time2Die -

Everybody I know has been struck with some bug, cold, or flu of some sort. Sorta sucks. Since some more folks have been messing around with Quake2, I thought I'd post my pak files I use. I use 2 of them. One takes all the enviroment sounds out (which can be distracting and sometimes just plan annoying) and the other changes the weapon sounds. The chaingun actually sounds like a chain gun, the RL sounds like a cruise missle, and the Shotgun I believe sounds a little nicer than the plain jane id sounds that came with Q2. Also a cooler console font that rocks. Just unzip and pop into your /quake/baseq2 install. <<Here's the zip>>. Also, Apoc showed me a Q2 rocket jump alias that actually works for me. The ones I've found on say like Planetquake weren't working for me for some reason. Here it is:

//Rocket Jump
alias +rjump "cl_pitchspeed 20000;+lookdown;+attack;+moveup"
alias -rjump "cl_pitchspeed 150;-lookdown;-attack;-moveup;centerview"
bind somekey "+rjump"

If you wanna mess with these, use the handy util <<PakExplorer>> for all your pak file needs. Makes it easy to swap out sounds and stuff. Also check out 3fingers page for a great source for links to all your util needs.

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) November 13th, 1998 9:26am - Time2Die -

Welp. I'm out sick today from work so I think in my new found spare time I'm going to work on the KI page a little. If I get anything worth looking at (which I hope I do) I'll post the test url in the channel topic for feedback before changing the main page.

Here are some misc links: Quake2 Battlegrounds is the closet Q2 team mod to the original Quake Comp mod. It has a ton of features as well as zbot detection. The problem with this mod is there are only about 10-15 servers out there running it. It was the official comp mod for the frag2 this last month. I think it was also the one used for the PGL stuff as well. Speaking of which, here are the demo's of Immortal vs Noname99 on q2dm1 and Immortal vs Thresh on q2dm3 for the PGL finals. Immortal wins both. If you don't have Demoplay yet, you wanna stop and download and configure it first before trying to watch these demo's. Make sure to get the patch on the news page to support 2.3 QW. Here's the cool part of demoplay. You know those 2.1 and 2.21 demo's you have? Well you can configure demoplay to play them! :> It also has Q2 support.

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) November 12th, 1998 11:17am - Time2Die -

Check out these Half-Life screen shots of some Deathmatch action <<Link here>>. Here's also a funny little demo I did yesterday on the CLT-CTF server (Hehe). It's on Q2ctf5 (Final Showdown). The highlights are that I only die once and this guy accuses me of being a bot (repeatedly). <<Demo Link>> Also check out Mindfazr's kickass "Justin" page with weekly updates and a cool little "Justin" logo <<Link Here>>.

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) November 5nd, 1998 10:43am - Time2Die -

Would like to welcome Apocalips to the clan. Apocalips is our first Q2 recruit. I'll update the members section tonight.

I would highly recommend everyone taking a look at the PS/2 Accelerator fixes out there. Here is the Blues mouse page that has all of them in one place. I personnally have tried the fix to get NT to run at a higher sampling rate with success. You have to be using the Generic PS/2 driver and have already installed SP4. I also was unable to push the rate over 100hz. I probably could treak it a bit for 5 or 10 more, but it seems stable at 100hz. There is a noticable difference. Just for comparison, USB mice run at 125hz. 95/98 mice by default run at 40hz and NT mice run at 60hz. USB drivers are currently not out for NT4.

If for some reason you missed the link/news, take a look at Redwoods and Blues reactions to previewing Quake III Arena.

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) November 2nd, 1998 3:07pm - Time2Die -

Iceman has left the Clan.

Damn those DC-Con5 ho-ho's. Was really looking forward to going to DC-CON5 this January, but before the registration was even opened...they closed it. Seems as tho they only have 150 seat's. Sucks ehh? Here's a kickass DVD page http://www.thedigitalbits.com.

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) October 28th, 1998 11:43am - Time2Die -

Links...links...and more links. Gonna just dump them in...

And of course the Litestep links...

If you didn't know, Litestep is a desktop util that completely replaces Explorer as the default desktop shell. It's super fast and super configurable. There are more than a couple of us KI folks that are using it. Litestep is not for the faint at heart though.

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) October 25th, 1998 12:55pm - Time2Die -

LAN Party...woooo!!! Had a blast. Would like to thank everyone who brought food and beverage. Johhny Lonka for the extra tables and networking equipment. Mindfazr for the extra 17inch monitor. Raider and Glide for flying in to make the LAN. Everyone else for driving in. And of course everyone that showed up for making this one of the most successful LAN parties yet. The first night was some CA and FFA fun to get everyone going and in the mood. Saturday was some of the same with some great team games to top off the weekend. I have about 10 demo's I'm gonna post (tomorrow) from my point of view. If anyone has some demo's they wanna post, please email them on. Really didn't take many pictures but am hoping Mindfazr and Glide took a few. Speaking of Mindfazr...Mindfazr and Tammy came over Saturday with their "little quaker" in arms to show everyone. Very cute kid...

Would like to thank everyone again and hope everyone had fun.

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) October 22th, 1998 1:51am - Time2Die -

Welp...mysteriously my ADSL ping times have dropped in half and my download speed has increase by 2X. Don't know what happen...don't care :>

I Also got my Intel 300a celeron and have it up and running at 450. Here's a little page with some comparison bench marks.

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) October 20th, 1998 10:34am - Time2Die -

All my hopes and dreams have been destroyed...I finally got my ADSL up and running only to find that my Quake/Quake2 pings are actually HIGHER than my ISDN pings...ARG!!! Downloads aren't too bad tho. Transfers anywhere from 35-70KBs. The ping times tho are VERY stable...but then again I'm the only one using ADSL in Raleigh right now with a few exceptions. I'm gonna redo my cabling this week in hopes of trying to figure out why it's so slow...

WOOHOO! LAN party is only 3 days away. We have 12 "in stone" folks coming with maybe a few more coming that I don't know about (cute). I'll be composing an email tonight with directions to my house. Since in the past folks have complained that the directions where less than straight forward I'll be including 2 different ways to get to my house. The long and easy way (right, right, right, right, and you're there) or the short tricky one (2 lights & left, 2 lights & right, left and you're there). Anyway. I will have at least one extra machine for anyone that wants to not lug there machine and stuff up (p2/v2/sli). I've gotten a source for tables lined up. Something the is VERY IMPORTANT is that I only have like 8 or so chairs (4 dining/4 folding). If you can, bring your own. Plus, if you're going to use one of mine, bring a pillow or something so that after 24 hours u don't start dreading the thought of sitting down. Anyway, I'll probably repeat most of this in the email.

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) October 17th, 1998 12:32am - Time2Die -

Congrat's to Mindfazr and Bunnyz on the birth of their newborn son Justin. Baby pictures located here...Pretty damn cool.

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) October 14th, 1998 1:43am - Time2Die -

I've seen the best of times...I've seen the worst. With more than half the LPB team either inactive or having communication problems, the LPB team is going inactive from official matches.

On the HPB side, Iceman has accepted a KI membership. I will be posting his bio stuff shortly.

Ona personal note, I've been playing more and more Q2 RA2. In playing this, I've come across more than one occassion where the pickup game is a 7v7 or more game. I'm tired of my battles looking like a slide show so I've ordered a 300a/Abit BH6 MB, and another Creative 12mb Voodoo2. I should get the Voodoo2 first and will be doing bench marks on the difference between the single and SLI on my P2 266 and on an Overclocked Celeron 300a.

Also, the killer.thought.net machine has had a boost in hard drive space as well as bandwidth (256K). If anyone has a demo please email them to me and I'll post it. I'm gonna be creating a demo section for the KI-T&T site.

Here are some cool pages that have been posted in channel in the last week. A cool system optimization page. A cool memory optimization program good for folks that aren't running 128megs of RAM (which is most of us). Puterz.com is pretty cool for Overclocking info.

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) October 6th, 1998 9:47am - Time2Die -

Only 2 more weekends till the LAN party. We've had a small set back in terms of tables. The person I had been borrowing my tables from finally asked for them back. So anyone that has an extra table or is willing to lug some to the LAN please email me. Not to worry tho, we'll get some somewhere.

Been optimizing the Time-b0t code in hopes of increasing the react time of the b0t. Also added a new 1.2gig drive to replace TB's 340meg drive. Ghost to the rescue...it even loves NTFS.

If anyone has any cool demo's they wanna post to KI-T&T, please email them to time2die@glides.com. If everything goes right, the TB machine will be running on a 256K line shortly.

We're getting close to the 10,000 hit mark on our page. Woo...

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) October 4th, 1998 8:28pm - Time2Die -

Well Hell. Friday Night my HardDrive crashed...taking with it the KI web art I had. I have a few pieces backed up here and there, but 75% of it is gone. Also the prototypes for the new web page modifications I had in mind, but those can be recreated pretty easily. Needless to say, I'll be purchasing some backup tapes this week. I did recover my "quake" drive (Thank the lord). Strangely enough, 2Wild4U's drive also crashed Friday...it was a WesternDigital as well...

Posted some misc stuff to the "KI-T&T" page this weekend. Basically some tweaks and my macro's. Please mail me any pages or config's you have that you think would be a nice addition with a brief explanation.

While poking around some misc sites, I found these 2 demo's. "Speed" and "Cheater". The guy in the speed demo is no other than me! Guess I get around ehh? The Cheater is an Aimbot demo, watch the shaft. You'll need 2.2x to view these tho.

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) September 30th, 1998 11:58pm - Time2Die -

TEQ is scheduled with a clan named "Generation". Well...the channel wasn't there when I checked tonight so we'll see. Also, I've gotten a friend of mine to let me use his domain so that I could give the TB box a host name. The KI Tips and Tactics web page below is now located also with the host name of "killer.thought.net". I've posted some cool macro examples as well as some Strategy's. If anyone has something to add to the page...please email me time2die@glides.com

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) September 29th, 1998 10:18pm - Time2Die -

I have setup a page called "KI Tips and Tactics" as an effort to create a central location for macro examples, playing tactics, demo's, and system tweaks (overclocking/3dfx/etc). Right now this page doesn't require a password...because there isn't anything on it more than the skeleton outline of the page. As soon as I get pull together some examples and some material to post, It will prompt you for a logon. The private members forum username/password will work at that point.

What I need from everyone that wants to participate is for you to email me your macro config's, your 3dxf/game command line, and your thoughts on strategy's. I'm hoping that after a few updates we can discuss either in IRC or in the Forum some different approaches. I'll also be making a link to this page from the Forums. (I think I mispelled "Strategy's"...I'll fix it tonight )  time2die@glides.com

Johnny Lonka!!! Where are you man!!!

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) September 28th, 1998 6:25pm - Time2Die -

LAN PARTY! Ok...the KI LAN party (Volume 4) was gonna be at Mindfazr's house. But for various reasons there's been a change of venue. Anyway. Checkout <<this page>> for info.

TEQ (TNQL3 with pb|Grunt running it now) doesn't look like it's going anywhere. I'll give the page a couple more days to update before throwing the towel in.

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) September 23rd, 1998 12:02pm - Time2Die -

TNQL no longer exists. It was probably the longest running QW Tourney. Had a good turnout for our first Last Clan Standing Match with Muppet Clan. KI was victorious over MC by 2 games to 1. Here are the screen shots. A close match with a good showing by MC. <<Shot1 - Shot2 - Shot3>>

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) September 22nd, 1998 4:42pm - Time2Die -

Found this while updating the schedules. eConsole. Check out the page that goes with it <<link>> for some hints. Try right-clicking in the console. Pretty damn cool...it's got Background image, font, and different cursor support. Check this screen shot...give new meaning to "Quake Console"

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) September 20th, 1998 11:21pm - Time2Die -

Win some...lose some. Played our first G4 pre-seaon with The Stone Clan. Was a close game with tSc edging ahead 62-77. We still ahve to play Muppet Clan for the "Last man Standing" Tourney as well as another g4 match with DR. Please keep in mind that these G4 matches are only 1 game unless otherwise specified. Speaking of losing...Spara has left KI to persue the resurrection Clan Devo.

Please notice the above schedules for both Matches and Practice Times. If either team times are wrong on the practices please email me. Also, I'll be changing the private forums password Monday so don't freak if you can't get in.

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) September 9th, 1998 12:22am - Time2Die -

Would like to welcome 2Wild4U into the Clan. Wild was in KI's parent clan EDK. As such, I've dug up the bio pic I had made for her way back when. Winamp 2.0 is out.

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) September 2nd, 1998 6:31pm - Time2Die -

Genocide4 starts this coming Monday. At this time the only team signed up is the LPB team. I know that clan Zug is having a tourney as well but haven't looked into that one yet. We also have TNQL with TSC.

I've caught up on the player profiles...except for rebel's. My next task is the Battles page...sigh. A complete overhaul in the layout of the KI page is forth coming still...work has cut into my free time with an upcoming upgrade 2 weekends from now...but should have time over this weekend (Holiday) to put some major work into it (YEA!!!!!) so look for some beta url's this weekend as I look for clan feedback.

Where the fuck are you Dougy!!!!

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) September 2nd, 1998 12:42am - Time2Die -

Would like to welcome Sadist, Rebel, and Grov3r to the KI brotherhood. Should have their profiles up in the next day or so.

Also...gamesnet.net of course is back up. ( ca.gamesnet.net / west.gamesnet.net / ny.gamesnet.net )

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) August 31st, 1998 11:34am - Time2Die -

Those Bastards!...They killed Gamesnet! Probably short term but I'm unable to get on any of the gamesnet IRC servers except ny.gamesnet.net. I'll the page posted if anything changes.

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) August 29th, 1998 12:06pm - Time2Die -

Woo...few things to note. QW 2.3 is up and out on the KI server. I think Darius has changed names to Revolt. Either way I made him a name plate for the members section. Hydro has emailed with me with a possible fix for getting into the "Members Only" page...make sure you have the "Microsoft Networking Client" is loaded in your network settings. This is in response to a few of you having problems getting into the Forums with IE4.

The Tentative date for a KI LAN party at Mindfazr's house is the Weekend of October the 24th. I'm attending a little local party here in Raleigh next weekend and might be able to swing setting up an even larger event if these guys are cool. It seems that they can rent for like 50$ this room at their apartment complex that will hold like 25-50 folks. I'll keep everyone posted on that. On a similar note, HydroAx, Aetius (My roomie), and Myself tried out 2.3 on the LAN yesterday and were very pleased with its improvements over 2.21. The movement feels a lot better.

I've signed up the LPB team for Genocide4. Geno4 is going to try and be like Geno2 in having a 2 month "Pre-season" before starting the tourney. The final cut I think is going to be 8 clans. Should be interesting. I did an adhoc button for the geno page above since they didn't have one ready to roll when I checked last. Here's the link as well <<here>>. Please note that all preseason matches are only one game...take a look at the rules up on the page so that we're all on the same page in regards to the rules and regulations when it comes to match time.

QW 2.3 stuff...don't forget to check out the "cl_chasecam 1" feature when spec'ing. Pretty damn cool.

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) August 22nd, 1998 9:09am - Jester -

I feel like  posting, and since I can't use the forum...I'll do it here.  :P  I'll be LBP within a month, Bi-Directional cable.....w00p!  I've been dealing with "Real Life" lately and I gotta tell ya, it can be fun!  But on the downside, the HPBs have suffered.  My apologies.   I'd like Hydro to take a more active role in organizing the HPBs.....hopefully even take over as captain when my sentence as an HPB ends, if he will. 

DougyFresh where are you?

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) August 21st, 1998 6:24pm - Time2Die -

Starting to hammer out some dates for the KI LAN! We have so far on the maybe list the weekend of the 17th and the weekend of the 24th. I think the 24th might work out for more folks...but hasn't gotten final approval. Also, check the private forums. I wanna get everyones feed back on us starting a Q2 team. Rasta and myself have been engaging in some really fun 2v2 e8 and some other pickup games and wanna try and expand on this idea. One thing I'd like to hear an opinion on is us recruiting folks just for the Q2 team. For those that had problems with the forums (or still are having problems) drop me some email explaining how you fixed it. time2die@glides.com

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) August 18th, 1998 9:02am - Time2Die -

Darius accepted a membership into the Brotherhood (Belated announcement). We play the Muppet Clan for TNQL at 9pm EST. Here's the Clan 9 / DR demo page. <<Link Here>> Here's also a cool link for beta news (IE5, NT5, litestep, more) while I'm rambling <<Link Here>>

On the Road...got some really cool ideas for the web page. If there's something you think that should be on this page or a suggestions (besides a splash page), please email me time2die@glides.com.

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) August 12th, 1998 1:44am - Time2Die -

Had a Clan Meeting tonight with a good turn out of about 13 of our 18 folks. To recap the meeting.

Dougyfresh is MIA and will be taken off the members list if he's not back by Sept 15th (wakeup dougy!). I've also resumed my responsibilities as an LPB captain. Probably some other issues I've forgotten to mention, but will update as I remember them. I am going out of town this Saturday-Wednesday but will be online.

Also, I'm going to have a little "Mini-LAN" party the 22nd of August for those interested. Plenty of couches and such for those who wanna attend. Email me damnit!

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) August 7th, 1998 9:35am - Time2Die -

Some cool stuff coming up. The little Mini-LAN I've been threating to have I think I'm going to do Sat. August 22nd.  I'm also researching some web stuff to redo the KI page. Some of the menu items on the left have lost their usefulness and the whole UserInterface could use a makeover. We'll also use a splash page with the launching of the new page. I would say we'll have something cooking by the end of the month. I'll of course throw up a test site before making the conversion so we as a group "tweak" it to everyones liking (especially you 800x600 folks...cause once it's done, the graphics aren't going to be resized). Also checkout www.gibbed.com. That's not the UI look and feel I'm looking exactly...but g0d do I love their logo. Mindfazr did a kickass spash page here. The only problem is the Java load time...

I am aware that some people have had some problems with getting to the private users forum using IE4. I Have IE4 SP1 running both at home and at work and haven't had any problem getting in. Case does matter on the logon/password and should be enter in lower case.

I have a To Do list going on the TB page. If you have a request or a cool idea...mail me and I'll add it to the list.

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) August 6th, 1998 10:20pm - Time2Die -

TNQL this week was a good challenge from Clan Knightmare. The era of fielding a full team of LPB's is definitely upon us as more and more of us convert from HPB to LPB. Here are the screens one & two. The final was 195-93, KI's favor. GG's KM.

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) August 3rd, 1998 6:32pm - Time2Die -

Sent in my order for a Qhost license so that monitoring, managing, and using the p1mpserver will be easy and accessible to the rest of the clan. Qhost is the backend to the program Qview. Here's the link to that page. The main advantage is that this program runs as an NT service and allows for remote console as well as a slew of other features. Stingray found this clan registry page, so I registered us.

Some misc. Links. Here's the MS Intellimouse drive download page that was on Bluesnews last week. The official Tool homepage. And here's the voodoo Lights screen saver if you haven't got it yet...it's worth a look for those with voodoo cards.

Still looking for an "Official" name for the KI p1mpserver. Thinking of having the CA server announcing itself to the masters and keeping the QWring private. Jester's suggestion was "Killers, Inc. P1mpserver".

I'm also looking for a frag logger that produces html output that ISN'T gibstat's. I know there's gotta be another one out there. Trying to make the most of this server and at the same time have fun.

I found some REAL interesting info on servers here. Here's the highlights:

CPU Speed & RAM
When setting up a server a good rule of thumb is one person per 8 MHz for Pentium and Alpha machines. So a PPro/200 can probably handle a 25 person game, and a Pentium II/450 can probably handle 50-55 players. The best single processor machine you can get to run a server is probably a 633MHz DEC Alpha box from Enorex or Aspen Systems -- a reasonable system runs about $5000 and could support 75 or so players. As for RAM, obviously the more the better, but a minimum of 64MB is reasonable.

Big Game vs. Many Small Games
Load is definitely lower with multiple games than with a single game, i.e. one game with 64 players has a larger load than 8 games with 8 players each.

SMP or CPU Farm?
An SMP machine of some type would be a good server, unfortunately the only 4 way SMP systems available are overpriced and still use Pentium Pro/200 processors. It's more cost effective and convenient to run a cluster of single processor systems. And if you're trying to save some bucks, a large farm of low end machines is pretty damn economical, e.g. a cluster of Pentium/133 machines, each running 16 player games. Also a farm has the advantage of being more fault tolerant than having all your games hosted on a single server.

Network Bandwidth
You will also need to keep in mind network bandwidth considerations. The number we've been using is 3KB/player/second, so a T1 which does about 200KB second should be able to support a 64 player game, but keep in mind that this will FULLY saturate that T1, and the minute you open a Web browser everyone will become lagged.

Feel free to mail me your suggestions...time2die@glides.com

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) August 2th, 1998 11:22am - Time2Die -

Finally got Frontpage98 back on my machine. Couple things Happen this week.  Our MNHQL match with Imperium resulted in a win. Screen shots 1 & 2. Our TNQL match against tsc (The Stone Clan) resulted in a win. Here are the screens 1 & 2. Also, our clan server was launch on it's temporary port at on ports 27500-27501, CA and QWring respectivily. We're also running a Q2 "Color's" DM mod on 27910. We will also be putting another Q2 server up to test and experiment in Team Q2 DM play with different maps and such. Also...Bioweapon is back in town. Got some cool things in the cue. If you have any requests for the page or the p1mpserve (like a 2.29 port), drop me a line time2die@glides.com

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) July 25th, 1998 8:56pm - Time2Die -

Don't confuse the lack of updates as to us not being busy playing. The battles page has been kept up to date due to Jesters effort. We won against KM last Wednesday for Skit and won against Muppet babies, a Division of MC, for TNQL. Check the Battles section for SS's.

Please take a look at your members page profile and make sure everything is current and up to date on email addresses and such. I made a few updates to the Links page and some other misc "fixes" to the page. We're slowly making our way to the 10,000 hit on the page. Which is pretty cool...

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) July 15th, 1998 - Jester -

We have several matches comming up so check the battles page for our most up to date schedule....there are several changes.  I also archived the results table, it's now under the "old battles" link at the bottom of that page.

I've discovered a new clan who CLOSELY resembles us, they go by the name of Killainsinc.....]k1[ prefix in QW, we of course use ]ki[.  Uncanny...heh.  I contacted ]k1[Swampfoot, the leader, via ICQ and asked if they would please not look soooo much like us, he seemed cool about it, we shall see what comes of it.  Oh, and he insists he "thunk it up all by himself"....hah

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) July 10th, 1998 3:47pm - Time2Die -

Forgot about the pictures I took at Noogmans LAN party. But after a helpful reminder I got them devielupoed and scanned in today. Here's the page...be warned tho, it's a nice 700k load. Also, here's a picture of the [Time-b0t] box that our little buddy runs on. Can you say 486 DX/2 50? He's the middle computer. Working on putting a page together that just goes into the commands and workings of the b0t.

Last night's TNQL game against nb2 resulted in a 288-78 loss. As soon as I find someone with the SS's Il'l update and post them to the battles page. I would have them but my ISP decided to die briefly last night...

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) July 9rd, 1998 11:16am - Time2Die -

Played the Muppet Clan for SKIT last night with a 235-180 victory. Had to play 3 games after in game 2, 2 of our guys (including myself) for some reason timed out to the server and had to reconnect. Lost about 3+ minutes of fighting time...couldn't recoup the lost time and lost the second one. Here's the Screen Shots 1 - 2 - 3 .

Also I would like to welcome Glide from being a MLP to a full fledged LPB with his purchase of an Ascend Pipeline75 ISDN router. Last night Glide actually achieved a sub-100 ping with 0-1% PL! Congratulations Glide!

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) July 3rd, 1998 11:22am - Time2Die -

Growing pains I guess. Had a couple of "Open" matches this week with mixed results. Played a SKIT match with TSC with a loss of 210-78. Also played a TNQL match Against SS last night barely losing in 3 games, 228-211. Sadly enough, SS beat TSC in their SKIT. With the amount of LPB's, we should look at starting to do more inner scrim stuff to practice. I updated the battles page with SS's and results.

Here are those spinning logo's. Regular and With Quad. The load time on this page is pretty big as it is...

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) July 1st, 1998 8:37pm - Time2Die -

Would like to welcome DougyFresh to KI. Also, Mindfazr whipped these cool "Spinning logo's". REALLY COOL!

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) June 30th, 1998 - Jester -

After trying to deal with an ICQ clan, our first opponent in this tourney (and subsequently setting my hair on fire) I made the decision to pull out of The Tournament of Gods.  I feel it was a good move, so does my barber.   We've been invited to participate in an invitation-only tourney SKIT.  Which stands for Stone-Knightmare Invitational Tournament.  The rules seem doable...check em out here.   I'll check with the people on irc to see if we wanna do it.

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) June 29th, 1998 - Jester -

MNHQL tonight was won by the Killers with a total score of 153 to 101, we lost the first battle, but came back in a big way to take it all.   Clan GQ are a great bunch of guys with no chips on their shoulders.....how refreshing it was to play a clan like that.
TNQL was another forfeit vs
The Sovereigns, which in turn were removed from the tourney for not playing on a different occasion.   July 2nd at 9PM EST will be a TNQL match vs The Silver Surfers Silver Surfers.
The Tournament of Gods has started, and the HPBs MUST play their match vs Ragnarok this week.  I will try to get it organized for Tues, or Weds night.....but with our guys away it'll be tough.  Here is the TOG rules page. Contact me ASAP with preferences of dates and times, Analog connections only.

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) June 29th, 1998 7:41pm - Time2Die -

Was going over some stuff and found out that KI's 6 month Annerivasry was June 15th. Also, another little tid bit was that EDK was started last year on June 11th. So in some ways, some of us just celebrated a 1 year anniversary of playing together. Needless to say, it pays to never delete your IRC logs.

Session Start: Mon Dec 15 22:40:19 1997
[22:40] *** Now talking in #killco
Session Start: Wed Jun 11 16:48:24 1997
[19:23] *** Time2Die is now known as [EDK]Time2Die

...here's a little bit of the log of #killco.

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) June 27th, 1998 12:34pm - Time2Die -

Mindfazr, the grapihcs pimp, put this graphic together for Lonka.

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) June 26th, 1998 7:08pm - Time2Die -

Misc info. Found a couple of "Member Bio" pictures that I thought were cool. Bacchus and Sweeper now have Bio Pic's. Where's the KI QW/Q2 server? I will be shipping the server out to Tadi this coming week. The port we are waiting on will become free July 1st so...rock on! Thanks Jester for the picture I used for Sweeper's Bio pic. Not sure where I found Bacchus's. Still a bunch of KI folks without bio pics...I   haven't forgotten you, it's just hard to find "Ultra Cool" pictures on the net.

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) June 23nd, 1998 - Jester -

OUCH! Heavy spankings were handed out tonight by Zero Tolerance in GNDM Open and Negative Burn in GNDM modem, completely erasing our presence in that tourney.  Both clans played exceptionally well, locking down the level so we ran around like stunned mullets with shotguns the whole time.  TNQL this thursday night at 9EST vs The Sovereigns.  This will be an OPEN match.  On a more upbeat note, the notorious Bacchus of DG has joined forces with Killers, Inc.  His ability to lay waste to all who oppose will surely be an asset to this clan.  Welcome Bacchus, glad to have you aboard.

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) June 22nd, 1998 - Jester -

MNHQL action tonight netted a 169 to 17 win over mPOK bringing our official record to 18-5.  Great job Vengence with a 100% efficiency in his first match since his return, welcome back buddy!.  Screen shots are on the battles page.  Negative Burn is Tues night the 23rd at 10 EST, for the third round of GNDM modem.  Our GNDM Open crew will face Zero Tolerance at the same time and date for their second round, good luck all!

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) June 22nd, 1998 - Jester -

The Tournament of Gods has started, which the HPBs are registered in.   This will be analog only. Our first match is with Ragnarok, which needs to be scheduled within two weeks.  I'm currently working on that.  Be sure to visit the rules page so there are no questions about them at game time.  Are we busy or what???  :)

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) June 20th, 1998 9:57am - Time2Die -

News on the OPEN ping front. We have a GNDM open match coming up this Tuesday at 8pm with zT. After more than 2 moths. the page still doesn't list it's members. We also have our Thursday Night Quake League Matches going now as you would expect....on Thursday. Also that same Thursday for those interested, we have a Q2 lmCTF match with Clan Saint (#clan_saint) at 10pm or after the TNQL game. Why? Why not. There has been talk of putting a Q2 DM team together, I think it might come to pass when we have our own Q2ring server up to play around with. Speaking of which, I will be getting with Tadiran this week to setup a time to deliver it to him. I'm not 100% sure when it will be accessible from the net.    

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) June 18th, 1998 - Jester -
dood.gif (68915 bytes) If ever there was a reason to strut, tonight was it.  The Killers played very strongly against a clearly outmatched clan The ImperiumOur crack LPB crew took control right away and never looked back finishing with a 238 to 18 final score for game 1........the second game was forfeited.  A very big pat on the back goes to Spara for his great showing of 100% efficiency. Screen shot is here as well as on the battles page.
We have a full plate of matches scheduled and some not yet scheduled, so be sure to watch the battles page.
date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) June 17th, 1998 - Jester -

W00p! We are moving on to round 3 of GNDM modem after beating Genesis tonight in a couple of fun matches.  The first was won quite decisively but the second was a come from behind squeaker for us, which made it extremely enjoyable.  Screen shots are on the battles page.  TNQL Thursday night against The Imperium at 9 EST this match is open to LPBs.

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) June 16th, 1998 - Jester -

Congratulations to Zogar on their win over us in MNHQL.   They put up with a ton of crap, they deserved the win.  Our next GNDM modem match will be against Genesis on Wednesday, June the 17th at 10 EST, this is for round two of the tourney.  And on Thursday June 18 at 9PM EST, we have a TNQL match against The Imperium.   I'm looking forward to getting back on track. Check the battles page for updates.

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) June 14th, 1998 11:56 pm - Time2Die -

Woohoo! Took the Java applet down, so page speeds should be back down to normal (If you call this page's load times normal). Just got back from Noogmans LAN party. Had a blast as I think everyone did. Would like thank Noogman and 2Wild4U for hosting the LAN Party. Johnny "Lonka"  for the tables, cables, and for help setting everything up. Time2Die and Aetius for organizing, setting up and bringing the network stuff (cables, hubs, switches, servers and such). To all those that helped move the furniture and clean up afterwards. Would like to thank Mindfazr for bringing his digital camera and Bunnyz, Mindfazr's wife, for taking the pictures. Glide for flying in to play. Vandal for helping get the keg.  We had about 14 folks. Folks that showed were...KI|Noogman, 2Wild4U, Mindfazr, Bunnyz, DG|Vandal, KI|Bioweapon, Aetius, KI|Time2Die, KI|HydroAx, KI|Lonka, DG|Bacchus, Gargoyle, Vertigo, Moon, and KI|Glide. If I missed anyone, it's cause I'm brain dead from this weekend's fun.

Here's the pictures we got from Mindfazr's Digital camera. There's also a link above. The load time for this page is outrageous so go get a drink or something when you click on it...

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) June 12th, 1998 - Jester -

Battles page has been updated..... we are scheduled right out through mid-August.  Our next GNDM modem match will be against Genesis on Sunday, June the 14th at 9 EST.  Next for MNHQL is Zogar Monday, June 15th at 9PM EST.  I think they want a little revenge, but since we have many members at our lan party, we may reschedule....stay tuned.

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) June 10th, 1998 - Jester -

I've updated the battles page to show the links to clan pages I've omitted.  <insert politically correct response to Time's editing here>   :P!
I've also added a Microsoft IE4 Active Channel button to the Battles page.  I have no idea if it works....I set it up on my end to receive an email when that page is updated.   So I'll update it and see what happens....stay tuned.

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) June 9th, 1998 4:06pm - Time2Die-

In an effort to please Clan Zogar, I have removed some of the "controversial" content below to basically reflect Zogar's problems staying connected to finish the match. On the flip side, I don't think Zogar understands our frustration in trying to play matches that are planned and scheduled weeks in advance, only to have it time after time end in either forfeit and/or frustration.

I would also like to thank Jester for cordinating and keeping up with the Battles page. Just that one page can be a full time J.O.B.

On another note, I should have an update on the Killers Inc. QW server that's headed for the LAN party and then hopefully onto the internet as our clan server. Performance looks good so far....but then again, there isn't anyone on it right now (grin). I've configured it to use Qhost as the Quake server manager, which should be interesting. What is Qhost? It's an application that can start and stop Quake servers remotely, allow access to the console, and about a million other things. I'll post some more info as it becomes available.

ALSO...the date for the counter above was wrong, very surprised no one else caught that before me. It is currently counting down to Friday the 12th at 12 noon.

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) June 8th, 1998 - Jester-

I'd like to take this time to welcome Spara to our LPB ranks..... he just plain kicks ass....period.  Glad to have ya, Spara.   Our first GNDM Open match will be against Clan Quest on June the 12th at 8 EST, hmmmm, when's the lan?    Be sure to keep your eyes on the battles page.

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) June 8th, 1998 - 22:55 - Jester-

Nope, no graphics, no fanfare.......Zogar forfeited tonight in MNQL bringing our record to a perfect 5-0 in that tourney.  Zogar couldn't field 4, then a few dropped/timed out during the match, as a result they forfeited the match...why does eveyone think these matches are scheduled WEEKS in advance, then decide they can't field a team AND then put up a stink about it?  Oh well off the soapbox.  Our next MNQL match is still to be determined since the schedule isn't up as of this writing.  Our next GNDM modem match will be against Genesis on June the 14th at 9 EST.

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) June 6th, 1998 - Jester-

Welp, another forfeit to us, this time in GNDM modem by The Sovereigns.  Brings our official combined tournament record to 13-4.

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) June 3rd, 1998 - 00:00 EST -Jester-

The battles page has been updated to reflect our first GNDM modem match against The Sovereigns taking place on Friday June 5th, 20:30 EST, all who are playing MUST be in the #GNDM IRC channel 15 minutes prior.  Time2Die is the main organizer for this tourney.  The GNDM rules page is here please read them.   I will not be online Friday night due to prior commitments......Good Luck Killers!!

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) June 1st, 1998 - 00:00 EST -Jester-

Well it was ANOTHER forfeit to us in MNQL this time by the Colonial Marines, I couldn't find them ANYWHERE I looked before the match.  I did end up in ICQ chat with one of em late..... he had no clue about himself, let alone any matches.  Where did MNQL find these clans??
Next on our list is Zogar (Don't ask me what it means) Monday, June 8th at 9PM EST.  They won't be a pushover, but I'm quite confident we will come out on top as usual.

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) June 1st, 1998 - 12:02 AM -Time2Die--

Did an update on the LAN Party page. Basically finalized details and answered some questions (Spell Checked for your protection).

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) May 28th, 1998 - 23:15 EST -Jester-
mrbite.gif (72807 bytes) YESH! Killers, Inc. bit HOPw hard in the back tonight with a career ruining 270 to 16 score in another rescheduled MNQL match.  Our buddy Marv would have been proud.  Once again our opponents did not complain, no lawsuits have been filed.
Next on our list are the Colonial Marines Monday, June 1st at 9PM EST, lets make Marv smile again.
date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) May 22th, 1998 - 5:46 PM -Time2Die-

Officially three weeks till Noogs LAN Party. In preparation, I have started putting the server together that we'll be using. We'll also be having both a 10mb and a 100mb segment as well at the party. Here's a screen capture of a nice stable 15ms ping...I ran up and down the map and it only spiked to 16!

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) May 20th, 1998 - 23:03 EST -Jester-
al.gif (17036 bytes)                  Shaggin' Baybee, yeah!   Killers, Inc. shagged mPOK ROTTEN 232 to 35 in a rescheduled MNQL match tonight.  My hat is off to mPOK, they took the loss with minimal complaints.
Next on the list is HOPw Monday, May 25th at 9PM EST.......I hope they use QW 2.2!  :P
date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) May 20th, 1998 - 1:27 PM -Time2Die-

Well...4000 hits, but no one has come forward to claim their prize! (too late now...I drank them all...:). Some tidbits I've been holding on to. Unreal is Supposed to be onsale at Bestbuy this weekend for like 25$ (after $10 mail in rebate). Here's the 2 QW 2.21 servers sCary mentions on his page

r3v Clan Arena #1 27500
r3v DM HELL 27501

The second one didn't work for me last night...but put it there just the same. The water and the movement feels a lot better, and the PL was half what is has been on other servers when I played there...AND it was west coast. But very playable for me (just at 200ms). On a funnier note, there seems to be a QW team fortress clan now named...Clan Rage (woohoo!). Check them out at #clan_rage.

Tonight is supposed to be out rescheduled MNQL match...hopefully mPOK will have installed 2.2 by now. Show up early for some pre-match warmup!

Here's some tidbits about Glide 3.0.

One of the challenges of moving to faster HW (more triangles) is how to get all the data to the card. Glide 2x was designed for up to 1 millionpolygons per second (Voodoo Graphics level) and Glide 3x is designed for one to ten million polygons per second (Voodoo 2 and beyond.) Glide3x accomplishes this in many ways. One is a new flexible vertex format and another is support of triangle strips and fans. Strips and fans are a way of defining more complex meshes with less information. Beyond the first triangle, you only have to define one more vertex to create another triangle. Thus two vertices' information is saved for every triangle past the first in the mesh. This is especially good for landscape and character models.

Glide 3.0 is supposed to increase performance by 2-3 times (200-300%) over current 2.5x glide performance. The new DirectX 6.0/Direct3d API is only showing about 20-80% increase in performance.

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) May 18th, 1998 - 22:46 EST -Jester-

What can I say, MNQL is postponed until Wed night May 20th, 9PM sharp, be around 15 mins early.  mPOK decided to not upgrade to 2.2 due to bugs, which is what we expected to play....damned if you do, damned if you don't.  So the match will be on QW v2.1 unless 2.21 is out by then,  keep 2.1 handy just in case it isn't.

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) May 17th, 1998 - 20:00 EST -Jester-

MNQL is set for Monday night, tomorrow at 9:00 EST vs mPOK, #clan_pok on IRC.  I think it'll be a bit tough finding a server with this new (cough) client out, it would be nice if we could find a good server that works for us earlier in the evening.

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) May 17th, 1998 - 2:28 PM -Time2Die-

QW 2.2 is out (duh). Here's a custom tab for Gamespy to sort out the non 2.2 QW servers so that all you have left are the QW 2.2 servers...

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) May 12th, 1998 - 0:00 EST -Jester-

The MNQL match was a complete washout, no HBO opponents to be found....I submitted for the forfeit.   I hate to win that way.   Time2Die actually set a modem up and DIALED in to play.....thanks man, that is truely going above and beyond the call....heh. Next team we face will be mPOK, Monday May 18th at 21:00 EST......be there or be a faag.

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) May 9th, 1998 - 9:22 PM -Time2Die-

Been tweaking the KI web page, specifically the members section. Gonna finish that up tomorrow as a well as the left menu tomorrow for our patient 800x600 users.

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) May 8th, 1998 - 18:35 EST -Jester-

I was just informed that sW1Ft decided to drop from the clan, reasons unknown.......HPB support is needed for MNQL, Monday May 11th is our first one, lets be ready.

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) May 7th, 1998 - 20:35 EST -Jester-

Just recieved an Email from MNQL and thought it would be wise to share it.  I urge all intersted in playing to read and be familiar with the rules.  Lets get some teamplay practice in!

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) May 3rd, 1998 - 10:49pm -Jester-

I've updated the battles page to reflect our Monday Night Quake League schedule.  Also please send any battle screenshots, etc.  to me here and I'll make sure the battles page is kept up to date.

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) May 3rd, 1998 - 6:49pm -Time2Die-

Tourney Time...Gamesnet is hosting a single elmination tournament. We are signed up for both the Open and HPB devisions. This tourney was supposed to start around the start of this month, but I think they are delaying the start till the new QuakeWorld is released. Here's the link to GNDM. We're also involved in a new tourney that plays every Monday ala TNQL. This is an HPB tourney. Here's the link to MNHPQ. Also, TNQL has been re-organized. I'll post details as I get them.

I've also whipped together a Killers Inc. button for folks to put on their personal web pages if they so desire. Here's the html code for those that need it. The "border=0" stops the browser from putting a border around the picture.

<a target="_top" href="www.glides.com"><img src="ki-button.gif" alt="Killers Inc." border="0" width="75" height="28"></a>

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) May 1th, 1998 - 11:02pm -Time2Die-

I've lately been checking out a lot of Quake related web pages to see what other people have been doing with their web pages and how we compare, and in doing so I kept running across this cool little webstat program. So I researched it a little and signed us (our web page) up. Just click on the little icon beside the "3fingers" button to take a look. Pretty Cool.

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) April 30th, 1998 - 4:44pm -Time2Die-

DirectX 5.2 is out...click here. Also, looks as tho the 12meg vs 8meg only becomes an issue in high quality situations...3finger talks about that here. Also, with the release of Quake2 3.15, ^Dragon^ is Releasing another skin pack. Mindfazr has already submited our skin so hopefully that will be included in the pack.

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) April 29th, 1998 - 3:57pm -Time2Die-

Some tid bits of info...if you have a Diamond Monster Voodoo2, here are some new drivers.  Here also is a page from Tomshardware page showing the different image qualities you can expect from the different 3d cards. Click here for that page. Also, here's the main reason I upgraded from my PPRO 200 to a P2. This page has both voodoo and voodoo2 boards benched marked with lower end machines. Since I'm going thru my bookmarks, here's the page from microsoft that has links for the latest teardrop/nuke drivers for both Windows95/WindowsNT. Lets see...here's a NIN News page, a good place for sticker prices on new cars, and an announcement of Ozz fest with touring info and who's playing (Tool!!!!).

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) April 23th, 1998 - 1:08am -Time2Die-

Woohoo! Redid the date bar a little. Kinda groovy. Also put and scrapped together some desktop wallpaper that I've created and used over the course of time for the web page. Some of these are images I was working on for the web page but  didn't make the cut but thought would look cool as a desktop. Sort thru the zip and hopefully you'll find something you like. Here's the link.

date-strip-end1c.gif (1082 bytes) April 22th, 1998 - 12:03pm -Time2Die-

Here's a different version of the splash page I was working on. How did I make the screen shots? Well, I got 2 computers going on the local lan, one in spec mode and the other...not in spec mode, and just took a bunch of shots and then sorted thru them till I found a couple I liked. Anyway...since QW is pretty "hazy" and washed out on my system (compared to Q2), I used a Kai power tool (intensity) to sorta "burn" some color and definition into the screen shots...but I need to redo the one on the bottom left, too dark. O well.

In a simliar note, I've put together a zip of background graphics to use on your desktop. These are graphics that are larger than the ones I usually shrink down before intergrating them into the web page. Pretty good stuff. I'll upload them with a link tonight.

Also read some stuff on the coming QW update from my favorite (and yours) ATQWT.

We have talked to zoid, and i can promise you all, qwring will NOT BE GOING AWAY. All he was saying is that it needs to be rewritten. Zoid even suggested that he would get the source from marmot and make qwring bundled with the new QWSV. There will be many updates to the client and server, and the basic protocol will be changed, so you will not be able to connect to old servers with the new client or new servers with the old client. He is trying to track down the slow rockets bug currently, and a few other things have been added. One thing that was much needed IMO was that the default sv_aim for qwsv has been changed to 2 from .93. This means no more allegations of people using autoaim, as most every server will have autoaim turned off now. If you have any other suggestions for what needs to be in the new client let zoid know, but you might want to ask around first because he probably already knows about it.


Pretty Cool. The lower packet size (1400bytes from the current 7000bytes per packet) should also help hopefully packet loss problems that plague everyone. (/me looks at the above counter).

Here's also something I saw on VoodooExtreme about the 8 and 12 meg versions of the voodoo2 and some bench marks:

It looks like the old Voodoo II 8mb vs. 12mb debate is over. This test proves that when an 8mb Voodoo II is presented with the highest quality image in Quake 2, it clearly can't compete with the Voodoo II 12mb. For my tests I used the "3 Fingers' Highest Visual Quality Autoexec.cfg For Quake2/Voodoo II".
Get it here: http://www.ve3d.net/3Fingers/BestV2.zip

Test System:
PPro 200 w/ 128MB RAM
Win95 OSR2
Creative Labs Voodoo II 12MB (SLI)
3DFX Voodoo II "Gold" drivers at 90MHz
Quake2 version 3.14 w/ updated mini gl
All Tests in 800x600@75MHz SLI Mode
Mipmap dithering enabled
V Sync disabled
Triple buffering enabled
Low quality sound
3 Fingers' High Visual Quality Autoexec.cfg

Limit texture memory To 2MB Glide Apps- Checked (this setting only allows 2mb per texel FX unit and is the same as an 8MB Voodoo II)
Demo1.dm2- 36.9 FPS
Massive1.dm2- 21.5 FPS

Limit texture memory To 2MB Glide Apps- Unchecked (The default 12mb setting, and is 4mb per texel FX unit)
Demo1.dm2- 45.2 FPS
Massive1.dm2- 31.1 FPS

As you can clearly see, these high image quality settings crushed the 8MB Voodoo II. During testing with the 8mb settings, it constantly swapped textures and would get some severe slowdown in FPS during high activity scenes in the Massive1. The 12MB Voodoo II ran smooth as silk during all tests. Given these results I would say the 12MB Voodoo II is a wise investment, with the fact in mind that game image complexity will increase in the near future with upcoming games like Quake 3.

Best Regards,
Brett "3 fingers" Jacobs http://www.voodooextreme.com/3Fingers/

Woohoo, I can finally justify the extra money I put out for the 12meg model.

April 21th, 1998 - 7:25pm -Time2Die-

A Few bits of info worth noting...Win some, You loose some. As quickly as Xypher joined, Xypher quit. Also updated the wording on the "New Recruits" form in the wording of Killers Inc. and it's stance on QW and Q2. It Basically says now that it's nice if you play Q2, but you'll need your QW skills to get in the door. Please take a look at the form if you've never reviewed it (...the first paragraph always brings a tear to my eye).

Unless you've been in a cave you've heard me ranting about Zoid's recent .plan update detail improvements in Quake2 and most notably QuakeWorld (2.15). What does it fix for me that's crucial? It fixes the ability for my Ascend Pipeline 75 to talk to QW servers in the same fashion that it does to Q2 servers, which the short of the long is that once it comes out...I'll be playing more QW. Here's the .plan file if you missed it...

Also been addressing a few issues with the page here. Some folks have asked for a splash page to razzle and dazzle folks that have never visited the KI homepage, while others want to keep it clean and simple to get at. Probably need to talk with everyone about some options. Here's one options that might please everyone, setup a directory on the glides.com names KillersInc and put a splash page there and then have that point to the regular killco web page directory. The one thing I didn't count on was that this web server is case sensitive about directories. So the directory names KillersInc and one named killersinc are viewed as 2 different directories. Also the idea for midi on the page has been brought up. If anyone has a midi they think would rock, please email it to me. Please keep in mind that anything over 20k in size is too big for the page. Also have a different version of the graphic I'll be showing tonight for feedback. It definitely has a QW feel to it...such a spring feel...

"Wanna be the king of Pain? Stand in line" - Henry Rollins

April 17th, 1998 - 9:52pm -Time2Die-

Sw1ft has accepted an invitation to join the KI team. Congrat's. Also...here's the latest KI skin set. The major deference between this set and the ones lonked below is the "KI" logo on the backs of all the skins plus a proto type "test" skin Mindfazr whipped together.

April 17th, 1998 - 9:47am -Time2Die-

Xypher has accepted an invitation to join the KI team. Congrat's. Also...here are the 2 new skins to go with our usual QW skin to help organize who's who in scrimms. Here's the Original, Just the Vest, and the new "spring look" skin with shorts and vest. Thanks Mindfazr for hacking these out...

April 14th, 1998 - 4:15pm -Time2Die-

If anyone can find a better countdown javascript than the one above, please email it to me. Also starting to inch up to the 3000 mark on hits (wanna race Jester?). The page I got the javascript for the above counter is located here. Some cool stuff...some junk.

April 11th, 1998 - 1:21pm -Time2Die-

Been requested that we put a splash page up for the site...I'll put a few things together this weekend (sunday) and post some links to get some feedback. Also added the "3fingers" button link. If you're doing any bench marks or searching the latest greatest info and stuff, it's a great jump spot to start from.  If you don't already have it...here's KI's Quake2 skin mindfazr did for us (one of 2). This is the one that is used for most of the art used for this page. Of course everyone has the QW skin.

April 8th, 1998 - 9:19pm -Time2Die-

Finished StingRay's and Bioweapons bio pictures. It makes it so much easier when supplied the picture.

April 8th, 1998 - 9:03am -Time2Die-

sniff sniff...what's that I smell? Why it's a LAN PARTY! w00h00! Noogman is hosting a LAN party the 12-13th of June. He is located about 30 minutes south of Charlotte, N.C. Plans are just starting to form. There will be space at the house for folks to crash as well as hotels just down the road. This is a BYOC event. Drop Noogman a line if you think you would be interested in coming.

April 6th, 1998 - 12:54pm -Time2Die-

Some more Quake2 links that might be of interest.

April 1st, 1998 - 5:06pm -Time2Die-

Some Quake2 info for all you folks dabbling with it. Check this link out...this Q2CTF mod looks seriously good - Lokis Minions Capture the Flag - Don't know if this is an official release but here's the link to the Quake2 Ring (Q2RING) team competition mod. Also for all you voodoo2 owners, Check Zanshins dojo for voodoo2 drivers that are newer than the drivers shipping on the drivers CD. ( None of this is April fools...but Blues News has some cool ones ).


March 26th, 1998 - 3:20pm -Time2Die-

Have Links...will travel. Updated the Links page a little, here's the additional sites I added:

Here's the 3dfx download page if you missed it...it has the new GL mini drivers for Quake/Quake2.

March 24th, 1998 - 3:19pm -Time2Die-

Hit Number 2000th happen to be myself after Jester raised the question of "wtf is with your counter on the page...it doesn't always load" and refreshed the page about 10-15 times to test and verify that it was indeed working...after which reflected back on the moment with "lpb"  :>

What's the Deal on Player profile Pictures? Well...it takes about 45 or more per picture to clean up and create one of those pictures. That doesn't count the hardest part...finding the picture. Here's an idea of what I do to "prep" a picture. Also check this FTP site...which is were I got a bunch of cool pics (I would recommend a ftp client tho). Right now there are at least 4 folks with pictures...supplying me with the pictures speeds the process up 10 fold. Otherwise you have to wait due process which is I'll create them when I can   :<

March 24th, 1998 - 12:12am -Time2Die-

Killers Inc. welcomes Bioweapon to the HPB ranks. String and Capitlist completed another DD match...bringing home the gold with another win. Here are the Screen Shots. <game1>   <game2>  . Misc fixes to the page including the wrong month thing and some formating on the "New Recruits" form. Who ever the 2000th person is to visit the page...drop me an email.   Between the EDK page and this one moving around, I would imagine we've had more along the lines of 5000 plus hits but hey...who was counting then :>

March 23th, 1998 - 8:12pm -Time2Die-

Well...updated the KI web page (duh) a little bit with the help of the graphics pimp Mindfazr. The rest of the sub pages will be getting new fittings as the week progresses.

March 23th, 1998 - 4:15pm -Time2Die-

I have created and added a link to a "New recruit" Form above. Anyone interested in joining Killers Inc. should fill it out to start a tryout period. Also, I've create some new web graphics and should have those up by the end of the week. Would of had them done this weekend except I  had a situation come up that has delayed my work on that project.

February 20th, 1998 - 10:35am -Time2Die-

Archived 45 days worth of news for space reasons. Also reset the Private Forums. Removed the EQL logo since it seems that that tourney is now dead. Starting to incorporate a new page layout into the current page...gotta look at contrast levels later because of my crazy monitor. Also removed myself from team captain...


March 13th, 1998 - 11:50am -T2d-

Well...I now know how SouthPark felt after our match with them last time. Our TNQL match was 2 HPB/1 LPB against 3 sub 80ms LPB's. We gave tSc a run for their money...but lost. Why only a 3v3? Cause no one else was around. The first game SS got corrupt (problems with my voodoo2). The first game was 37-31. The second was 76-30. I tried to shrink this down...but the picture then becomes unreadable. Noogman...where are you man?

March 12th, 1998 - 1:04am -T2d-

Doh! Look for a change in the web graphics. I recently acquired a 17" ViewSonic. And in using this great monitor (it's the professional model for what it's worth) the graphics look...dark. My NEC XV17 shows them fine...I'll take a look at the graphics and adjust accordingly.

Glide/Sweeper, Stingray/Capitalist, and Raider/Time2Die won their dynamic duo matches. To take a look at what the voodoo2 looks like in action...here are the tourney pictures I took and submited. [pic1] [pic2] & [wierd1]. I've been having misc problems with screenshots. Take a look at the "wierd1" picture for an example. Also, please note that if any KI are involved in a match and you want your screenshot posted...just email me.

I took the battles banner down since it was grossly out dated. Gonna start trying to schduling  nightly scrimms again.

March 3th, 1998 - 3:54pm -T2d-

It's a BOY! Our own Hydro-Ax is the new proud father of an 8lb, 20 inch baby boy. Congratulations!

Some other tid bits o news...There's a new GL Tweak Guide from Brett "3 Fingers" Jacobs. One notible addition...

Q. What is Triple Buffering?
A. What triple buffering does is improve the frame rate up to a maximum of the monitor refresh rate -- triple buffering will not get you results higher than monitor refresh, though. It just smoothes out the drawing time to approach the monitor refresh rate. Older versions of the miniGL driver for Voodoo2 do not enable triple buffering by default – future releases will. The next release of the miniGL driver is scheduled 3/6/98.

...Also. The Q2 patch fix of the week has been released. Bringing Q2 up to 3.14 and CTF to 1.02.

February 29th, 1998 - 3:01pm -T2d-

Here's Brett "3 Fingers" Jacobs GL Tweak guide. Worth the download for anyone that owns a 3dfx voodoo or v2 board.  Here's the Quake demo "Bigass1" and Quake2 demo "Massive1" that are mentioned everywhere.

February 27th, 1998 - 2:17pm -T2d-

Here's the Voodoo2 bench marks from the Voodoo Extreme page all on one page side by side each other profiling the differences in performance between Socket7 Machines (Pentiums) and PII machines. (I hear a p2 in my future after looking at these). I would recommend 1024x768 for proper viewing. Also...the page has about 250k of graphics.

February 25th, 1998 - 3:37pm -T2d-

The Quake2 3.13 patch is out...here are a few things that have been added worth noting (IMHO). (Here's the 3.12 to 3.13 patch and the full 3.13 patch.)

Added invnextw, invprevw, invnextp, and invprevp to allow cycling through only weapins or powerups
Added weaplast command to switch back to your previous weapon
Fixed it so you can only suicide once every 5 seconds
Added a "players" command that lists all the players in the game in the console
Added a "score" command to bring up the scoreboard. This was needed since in coop you have both help and a score. DM still shows the scores if you do help.
Added password so you can have a private server again
Made dead players gibbable

These are mostly new commands to incorporate into quake2 config's. The "weaplast" will allow easy "quick grenade" (yeah right) and other cool scripts. The hardest part of Quake2 isn't killing the others players...it's finding the right weapon to do it with.

February 25th, 1998 - 2:30am -T2d-

Voodoo2 update. Here are some quick numbers...then I'll preceed to bitch about installation and issues we have come up on. The test system is a Pentium Pro 200 running  with 64megs of RAM. There have been NO tweakings of the settings (autoexec.bat or otherwise) to increase speed.


   512x384 640x480 800x600
Bigass1 Quake Demo 46.6 46.5 46.2
demo2 Quake Demo   71.0 80.5


  512x384 640x480 800x600
Massive1.dm2 Quake2 Demo Not Tested 31 30.5
demo2.dm2 Quake2 Demo      40 40

As you can see, resolution doesn't play as big a factor as it used to. CPU power most likely will. The Glquake demo2 test runs are amazingly fast. The Quake2 runs are incrediblely fast...even tho the tests above don't really show. The one server I played, I played at 800x600...it felt like playing a Voodoo1 in 640x480. Folks with p2 probably wont have this problem. This also could have been a reaction from playing at such a high resoltuion with such speed. I played 3 boards and really never felt any dropped frames coming from the Voodoo2.

NT Installation. Didn't Happen. The version of glide that comes with the Voodoo2 installed fine, but a service that is required for it to work right would not install  / start correctly. This probably would not be a problem for those not upgrading from a M3d.

Also, in attempts to increase my frame rate, I tried one of those "tweak" programs that had support for the Voodoo2's...my FPS in demo2 800x600 went from 70 to 45...so I would rip out any old voodoo1 settings you might have lingering in the autoexec.bat or autoexec.cfg. With the large texture memory and overall performance increase I think the SB voodoo2 is well worth the time and money. Not sure why the Quake2 FPS scores are so low...probably an old voodoo1 settings there.

To do a Quake2 timedemo do the following

s_initsound 0
timedemo 1
map demo2.dm2

Some misc. screen shots...Shot1 Shot2 Shot3...kinda boring...

Final line...is the Voodoo2 worth it? Yep...especially if you're thinking of playing quake2 stuff.  I think with some optimization the voodoo2 will scream...should have some SLI scores up tomorrow. We were not able to get the SLI working up to speed, but I think I know why now. To do 1024x768, you have to have 2 cards (SLI). Just one card will only do 800x600.


February 24th, 1998 - 10:30am -T2d-

Quick Update...Yike! Just checked the TNQL schedule. OAS. Depending on who shows to play, this might turn into a DS match.

February 22nd, 1998 - 11:51pm -Glide-

Yes, I'm actually updating the page, believe it or not.  Not much to note here, except we have a couple of tough matches coming up against Stone Clan and Knightmare for TNQL. Also, we are scheduled to play Clan Southern Comfort for EQL.   I know nothing about them, so if anyone can provide insight, post something in the member's forum.  Tonight we played an offical, non-league oriented, match against Clan Cafe.  We managed a victory to the score of 222-59.  Screenshots, efficiencies, and playerstats can be found on the battles page.   Clan Cafe were pretty good sports about the match.   GG Cafe.

<<Please note the DG Match Tomorrow night...HPB perferred -t2d>>

February 20th, 1998 - 12:10pm -Time2die-

A great Source of VooDoo2 Info...Voodoo Extreme. It explains ALL...here's something I pulled off that page.

EB does know how many they've ordered out of the first day's production, and that's the important
point. I can confirm that EB is buying directly from us. I *believe* that they're picking them up from
our facility on Friday. Once they leave our shipping dock, of course, and we're tearfully waving
goodbye at the departing EB truck like the proud parents we are, I don't know how exactly they're
getting into individual stores, but having them in stock chain-wide by Monday the 23rd certainly
sounds feasible to me.

Dylan Rhodes: Product Marketing Manager, Graphics and Video
Creative Labs, Inc.

...damnit! I want my Voodoo2(s)!

In other news...the TNQL scores have been posted to the TNQL Results page. I'm gonna assume that we're playing Stone Clan since we play KM the week after. Check out this page for hints on optimizing your modem configuration for QW play. Also...I think q2 will actually be playable on a Voodoo2. I say this because I noticed that q2dm1 and q2dm2 were wheezing on my M2d.

February 19th, 1998 - 11:55pm -Time2win1-

Pulled a close win out of our TNQL match tonight against SouthPark (SP). 138-132...Match1 and Match2 screen shots. Wasn't a pretty match...was some confusion about it being an OPEN tourney. The other big news is the Quake2 Point Release. Also, Sound BLaster is releasing their 12meg Voodoo2 tomorrow (I have one prepaid and pray to be blessed with one tomorrow). Here's an interesting CPU Pricing chart.

In other news...Gamesnet Services are up! If you aren't setup yet...don't worry, you soon will be. I'm gonna leave [Time-b0t] up for a while tho...kinda grown to him. I will be ripping the auto-op stuff out for security reasons. He has a !seen script running on him now ala Xypher's hard work. Also, as soon as I get the transparent gif's for the new page down and cleanup / optimize the page size, I will be swithing out the KI page with the new one that is linked below.

Next weeks TNQL hasn't been updated...but the next week strangely has. Also...Marathon Genocide3 is still trying to get past the first round.

February 17th, 1998 - 12:31pm -Time2stop-

Some Tourney News...the TNQL match is South Park. There is a 2v2 tourney that Raid and I are involved in here. Sweeper and Glide are also signed up as well. The dead line for sign ups is Feb. 20th. Would be nice if we had HPB representation present (hint hint). I checked the Geno3 page...I think that tourney is DEAD. They haven't even updated our loss against Legacy. This is the same tourney that stopped the tourney to redo the rulez because the parent clan of most of the organizers lost in the first round due to disqualifiction and announced that they were going to replay their first round opponent...LAME.

February 15th, 1998 - 8:43pm -Time2dis-

Here's some pics from a LAN party Mindfazr, Aetius (my roomie), ICED, Hydro-Ax, and myself attended back in December. The high light (or low) was the lack of heat...which was interesting. Here's a page with some pics from that event...as well another page with some pic's that I might use for the members profiles. Warning:These pages are crazy large in picture size and download time.

Working on a new page layout...checkit out here...Also working on finishing up the player profiles. Working hard on finding some cool pic's for the player profiles that don't have them, but haven't had too much luck. Here's one I did for HydroAx. TomsHardware page had a good article on 3d WinBench98 and how it's misleading.

February 13th, 1998 - 12:45pm -Time2Sux-

KI Would like to welcome Stingray to the clan (after a lengthy tryout). Won our TNQL match (164-102) against Clan Necrosis. Check the Battles page for the scores and screen shots. I updated the above schedule...but the TNQL page doesn't have next weeks schedule up yet.

Seems as tho we lost a few of the player profiles when we moved from questgate...Glide and Lonka's. And with Stingray's joining...need one for him as well. Here's the template...fill out and mail back to me.

Real Name
System Configuration
Connection Speed
GLQuake Player
Preferred Servers
Fighting Techniques
Preferred Weapons
E-mail Address
Personal Web Site

February 11th, 1998 - 10:59pm -Glide-

The Legacy match happened.  And thats about the only good thing I can say about it.  We started off well, obtaining all of the powerups.  We maintained control briefly, then somewhere we lost it bigtime.   To LGC's defense, once they got control, they kept control very well.  While we were slightly outpinged by a T1, a T3, and 2 cable modems, the pings weren't vastly different.  However, we could have used some serious LPB expertise that wasn't available for whatever reason.  GG LGC -- KI, we have some serious things to fix.

February 10th, 1998 - 10:54am -Time2Die-

The Legacy match has been set for this Wednesday at 11pm EST (8 PST). Legacy is a West coast clan so finding a server could be fun (pain)...

February 9th, 1998 - 11:04pm -Glide-

Our EQL match w/ Deadly Onslaught is set for Sunday, the 15th at 9pm EST as you can see above.  Hopefully, considering they are west coast, we can find a neutral server.  I will hopefully be taking on Vengence's former role in the battles page, so please everyone take screen shots of the games we play in (including efficiency and playerstats) and forward them to me.  Right now I am still in need of the second DG game's screen shots, as well as some others as you can see on the battles page.

February 9th, 1998 - 12:16am -Time2Die-

Just a friendly reminder that we have team practice tonight at 9pm est. Planning on, time provided, finishing up the members section up. This would include incomplete bios and finding/editing some cool pics to go with the bios like some of us already have. I have looking hard for some appriorate, kick butt ones and think I have some that will work out. If anyone has a picture that they would like me edit for them, please feel free to mail them to me. Werd...

February 6th, 1998 - 1:10pm -Time2Die-

Grr...last nights match with Clan Black Watch was a no show. I have emailed and alerted the TNQL officials of this situation and hope to hear something back today. I also registered the Clan at Clans.gibbed, which is an effort to have a searchable clan index. I registered us under the Name Killers Inc. (with out the clan) if you want to look us up to see what it looks like. I also checked out the other new web page that's offering clan listings (CyberClan Central ), but it timed out everytime I tried to access it. If you've never checked this out...check out the latest "Dear Mynx" column...which explains a lot about the behavior of a lot of folks online.

February 5th, 1998 - 3:23pm -Time2Die-

Since we're involved in multiple tourneys, I copied the "Upcoming Matches" from the battles page to the this page to remind everyone. I Hope, with Mindfazr's permission, to put up some of his work that he's done soon(some pretty nice stuff). We should start seeing some Necessary Violence (NV) challenges soon.

February 4th, 1998 - 6:20pm -Glide-

Well, not to correct a well respected teammate here, but the EQL page is NOT down, its URL just changed, and should be available in the above link, or here.  Also, our upcoming match in Geno3 is with Legacy, so we better be well prepared.  Thats all for now.

February 4th, 1998 - 1:04am -Time2Die-

KI Would like to welcome Hydro-Ax to the Clan. A cool dude that endured our tryout process. Also...lost our EQL match with DG. Had our scheduled Clan meeting tonight after the DG Match to chat about some topics. Decide on 2 weekly practices Monday and Wednesday at 9pm (meaning that folks need to show up around 8:30 so we can start right at 9). Also decide to continue pursuing and playing in all the current tourneys (EQL, TNQL, GENO3, NV). Talked about recruiting (we're accepting / looking, just are not openly announcing in the channel topic). And of course talked a little about strategy.

Some notes on the tourneys tho. The EQL page is down and I'm not sure if this tourney is still going or not. TNQL is an OPEN tourney and seems to be going strong. Genocide3 isn't like Genocide2 in that there is NO pre-season. Just the Tournament brackets. And it looks as tho once we lose one we're out for good (bummer). This too is an OPEN tourney. NV (see below) is basically the Genocide2 tourney rules except that there has to be an official there to over see the matches (I think). This tourney could fill our weeks up since there is no limit to the amount of matches you can have per week. All the rest of the tourneys are basically one per week.

February 3nd, 1998 - 9:40am -Vengence-

Hey guys I have signed us up for another Tornament.   It seems to be really kick ass.  It has some great clans in it and seems to be well organized.  Check them out Necessary Violence!  Time you should be receiving a email back from them in the the near future.  If you want them to contact me instead please let me know and have them email me.

February 2nd, 1998 - 11:54am -Time2Die-

We have a Clan Meeting this Tuesday at 9. Would like to see everyone that can show up so we can discuss, as a clan, some issues (tactics / policies / recruiting / goals). Genocide3 is starting to gear up, be sure to check out the brackits on the Genocide3 Page. Also, check out this link - TechZone - Pretty damn cool page. Another good 3DFX page is VooDoo Extreme.  Also...contrary to a previous posting, I haven't yet gotten the email together about the LAN party yet...I am still looking for a few addresses before sending. I did update the LAN party page a few days ago but will be mailing an email out with specifics.

January 31th, 1998 - 9:40pm -Vengence-

I have updated the Battles Page with our future schedule in the TNQL, but since I am trying to say a little inactive for a while I will need help getting the screen shots!!   Please try to take two screen shots after the game has ended.  The first one is showteamscores, the second is efficiency and playerstats.  Then email them to me and I will make sure the get posted within a day or two.  Thanks for your help.  I hope I will be back soon...but I have some "Real Life" issues to deal with.  :-/

January 31th, 1998 - 4:00pm -Time2Die-

Re-did the lost LAN Party web page that was lost when we lost the Questgate web site. If you haven't recieved an email by tomorrow and want to go...please make sure you email me.

January 29th, 1998 - 10:30pm -Vengence-

Just to let everyone know...I am going inactive for a while.  I will try to get the battles page back up.  And you can still send me your profiles so I can put them up, but I am going to take a break from quake for a while.  So if you don't see me around and want something on the page changed please email me.

I got most of the Battles page back!! :-)  If anyone has the missing information please let me know!  Thanks

January 29th, 1998 - 12:30pm -Vengence-

I made a change to the link on the left to our Discussion Page.   Not it comes up in a new browser window instead of in the main windows (aka "This Windows")  Please let me know if you like this better or not.   Also my email address has changed again...for anyone who hasnt already noticed.   It is now vengence@icubed.com this one should be permanent! :-)

January 28th, 1998 - 9:39pm -Time2Die-

Have the Frontpage Extensions on the site now...which is great since we got kinda spoiled with using them on the Questgate site (still no clue on that).

January 25th, 1998 - 5:29pm -Time2Die-

Don't know what happened to the Killco.questgate.com site but it seems to have vanished. I have an email out to Pak-Rat, who was the main contact, about what happened. The only thing I'm really missing is the Lan Party html page. If you find this in your cache, please email them on to me.

January 25th, 1998 - 3:09am -Time2Die-

<removed the beavis link cause it was screwing the mouseovers on the left> Some folks where having some problems with IE and the animated gif / mouseover stuff we did yesterday so I put a more compatible (if not entirely different) version up. Like most of mindfazr's work...it kicks ass. Mindfazr created this pretty cool  (beta) wallpaper for KI.  We might incorporate it into a splash / intro page in the near future. Also checkout the members forums for a little pre-eql info. Worth taking a look at before the EQL match tonight against DemoCrew.

January 23th, 1998 - 7:03pm -Time2Die-

Some quick news. We won our TNQL Match against Cycorps last night 190-70. The battles page will be updated shortly with screen shots, Please check the members forum a link to a demo I made of the second game, Also...there's yet another tourney we might enter. Necessary Violence. Also figured out how to have text links not show the Underline under the text...ala the Links and Members page. Pretty Cool. Tons more to update on but gotta jet.

January 21th, 1998 - 1:30pm -Vengence-

OK guys...I am trying to work with Time2Die to make this LAN party the best one yet!!  In order to do that we need some input from all of you people out there who have been to them in the past and/or are coming to this one.  I know we will be having a short 1 on 1 tornament...and lots of teamplay...and maybe even some attempts at Q2 team stuff...but I want it much more structured than it was the last time.  That way we get to play more and hopefully enjoy it more too!  In an effort to accomplish this I would like anyone who has any ideas, comments, or even questions to email us and let us know what you would like to see or not see this time around.   Hopefully we can make this the best LAN Party yet!!!!!!!

Also I am still waiting for several people to email me their profiles!!  My email has changed so if you want to send them to me please send them here!  jtv@icubed.com     Anyone who hasn't sent them in too me by the 10th of Febuary I will consider to be "Inactive!" And will relocated them to the Inactive/Honarary Section of the web page.  It is too deceptive to people who want to see how many members we have.

January 18th, 1998 - 9:08pm -Time2Die-

My Take on DC-CON4. I had a blast at DC-CON4. There was about 300-350 folks there playing. Got to meet tons of folks and see some cool product demos. I ended up playing a ton of Q2 since there were no QW servers. What I didn't know was that DC-CON4 wasn't supplying the servers...it was up to the users...doh! AND there wasn't a central place that was keeping up with the server list, so you had to do slist's to check...but it only showed like 10 at a time so you had to keep hitting it to show more...lame. A few QW servers came up but since there wasn't a central place for server listings...Some good stuff, some bad stuff. A hit list of things that could have been better or that went wrong...

Anyway...organization was pretty good till we sat down and started to play. I did see some of the OAS, SS, and cgib dudes. A clan called GNW sat behind us that were pretty cool and and a couple of LagPT dudes were there. Arrakis-Flag and clan were there also. I could go on and on...the end result was that I had a blast!

January 15th, 1998 - 11:38pm -Time2Die-

Played Clan Memenoch's Assasins   tonight for our TNQL match (257-17). Here's the screen shots (game1 & game2). I'll be at DC-CON4 till Sunday...I should be able to secure a spot for our demos next week (no quota). Please check the private forums for the demo links.

January 14th, 1998 - 9:52am -Time2Die-

We won our first EQP match against MOSH last night...check the battles page for all the details and screen shots. Also...I (Time2Die) will be having a LAN party Feb 21-22 in Raleigh, NC. All the details are located here.

Raleigh Quake LAN Party

January 13th, 1998 - 5:43pm -Time2Die-

p00p has moved on to Clan MOD, Clan KI wishes him the best of luck. Also, Microsoft posted a NT patch fix to ward off nuke / SSping / teardrop attacks, here's the exe. I have long preeched the word of the 3M precise mouse surface to all those that will listen...here's a link to order one for $9. Does this improve your game? Hell ya...makes your mouse track like it was on crack. JawM3d has been updated with reported speed increases (good for looking at skins outside of q2). Got a 3dfx board? Check this site out if you haven't already. Take a look at the members page and mail Vengence your profile (and image if you have one) so we can finish that up.

January 12th, 1998 - 11:41pm -Time2Die-

Mindfazr made us a cool looking quake2 skin as well as found us a cool QW skin to use till we move over to q2 as the game for team play of choice. Here's a screen shot of the Q2 skin and zip file. Here's the QW skin. Going to try and start lining up a scrim for us to play everynight to give us more practice at playing together.

January 11th, 1998 - 11:30pm -Vengence-

I have updated the members page a little bit...check out T2D, Mindfazr, and My bios so you can see what kind of information I need from you.   Everyone please email me with all of the information that is on those screens that you can and a pic if you want or have one!

January 11th, 1998 - 12:30pm -Time2Die-

Pak-Rat has come thru for Killco on the Questgate site. Vengence is also collecting player profiles for the members page. Click on the members button and then his name on the page for an example (pretty cool). The left menu was a group effort between Glide and I (with a help from Driveby).

January 10th, 1998 - 6:30pm -Vengence-

Well this is my first official post in the news.  I have put a matches page up on the site...it may be a day or 2 till we get a link to it on the left but I wanted to get it out there so people can tell me what they think of it!

January 9th, 1998 - 8:25pm -Time2Die-

Played and Won our first TNQL Match against Clan Black Watch. Here are the 2 screen shots (game1 & game2). Even tho there was some miscommunication as to who was going to play when, including Clan BlackWatch who didn't even know they had a match tonight till we pop'd onto their server (or so I heard), the match went off pretty well. Even the best laid plans can come a part...

Also...after a lengthy tryout period, KI has asked Rastaman to join the ranks. Updated and tested the Challenge page as well as added a "quake tourney" section to the Quake links for convenience in the future in finding the eql, tnql, and geno links. Also...Vengence is gonig to help put up and maintain a "Battles" section with screenshots and demos of our matches.

January 9th, 1998 - 3:13am -Glide-

Well, just a few short notes, since its so late (early?) in the morning. First, we had our first "official" match tonight in the TNQL against Clan Black Watch. I am pleased to say we were resoundingly victorious. I believe Time2Die has the screenshots, and should be posting them shortly.

Second, we have a match this Monday (1/12/97) in the EQL against Clan Mosh. I hope everyone can show and get some PT!

Finally, in case you haven't noticed, I added some Java and graphics to the navigation menu. Let me know what you think. (Thx for the assistance DriveBy :o)

January 6th, 1998 - 1:38pm -Time2Die-

Saw some "team" skins for q2 off of Blues...here's the zip. They're basically "base" skins in various colors for q2. Also saw on Redwoods a post about the q2 skin pack from Drag0n^ that is shortly coming out...would love to get something in there from us. Here's the post if you missed it:

Also here's a link to JawMD2, which is a cool model/skin viewer that's cool...  

January 4th, 1998 - 12:00pm -Glide-

Well, we are now in over our heads with matches, so I hope we are all somewhat ready. Here's how things look right now:

1/6/98 - Scrimmage with Clan DED - QWDM HPB (get T2D's macros before this!)
1/8/98 - First TNQL match - QWDM HPB,LPB (Thursday Night Quake League)
1/12/98 - Expected start of EQL - QWDM HPB (Execution Quake League)

It's time to step it up and play, so lets be ready!

Also, I set up the Private Discussion Forum linked to the KI logo on the menu bar, so its easy access from now on.  

December 30, 1997 - 11:12am -Time2Die-

The 3.09 patch (version 2 of the installer) was released. Since the usual sites that carry the patches have been so lagged for folks on modems, I'm gonna just start storing them here local. I've also put a Private Discussion Page up (It is password protected) If you didn't get an email with the usernamr/password, it's because I didn't have your email address. Just find myself or someone in the channel.  

December 29, 1997 - 02:14am -Glide-

Shortly after 3.07 was released, 3.08 Quake2 patch was released. This patch fixes a couple of functions that were corrupted in the 3.07 release. Redwood has stated on his site that there are reports of saved games not working with this patch, so download at your own risk.

On a personal note, I am returning today sometime from a vacation of half direct connect, half lagged 28.8 play. Consequently, I hope to be able to assist in the development of the web site and skins along with Time2Die and Mindfazr. Email me with any input you may have to either the web site or the skins. The theme for the skin right now is the character you see at the top of the page. Given the fact that the Quake2 skin is wearing armor most of the time, this guy could turn out to be pretty buff. :-)  

December 27, 1997 - 11:59pm -Time2Die-

The 3.07 Quake2 patch is out and seems to fix a bunch of "holes" such as the "r_drawworld" and "timescape" cheats. It seems that if you set your "cl_maxfps" to something under 40 in Quake2 that your game play is enhanced. Here's a super handy macro alias I put together:

Worked on a possible splash page image for the page. Here's the jpg as well as the photoshop psd files showing the layers. Here's the just the logo and the combined image...make sure you hold the shift down in netscape when clicking on the psd links.  

December 26, 1997 - 5:12pm -Time2Die-

Found a cool online "quake fun name maker" here. Slowly re-working the KI pages. Put some time into the Links page. Not sure if everyone knows of the Quake2 "r_draqworld" cheat that should get fixed with the "point release" but here's an alias to try it out. Are people really taking advantage of this yet? O hell yes, I've already had folks just stop, look around as tho thru walls and keep going.

December 23, 1997 - 12:42am -Time2Die-

Mega changes to the web page. Basically a complete reworking of the page. Some things might or probably don't work and somethings still NEED work. The good news is that we'll probably have 3 people updating the page so It shouldn't be too hard keeping things current. The above and left logo were put together by myself with the logo used in the movie "se7en" in mind. It's kinda a theme though out the web page right now. All the logo work was done using PhotoShop4 and I use Netscape and Notepad to edit webpages. I can see that Frontpage was used to maintain this page in the past...but I don't think there'll be a problem.  

December 16 -DriveBy-
I went through and changed the graphics all around. This smorgasboard is only a preliminary thing until the actual set of graphics are made that have a, get this, theme! Heh, also, check out the Clan Creed. It is a very important statement about who we are and and what we stand for. 

Finally, the name has been finalized: Killers, Inc. Now we can move on to greater goals. Check through the site for information and let me or any of the web maintainers handle your comments/suggestions. The graphics are as of yet unfinished, they will be done soon. All input is appreciated.

December 14 -DriveBy-
Ok, if you do not see your name on the member list, it is because we haven't seen you in a while and have pretty much put you on the inactive/dead list. If you come back and wish to be a full time member, ie active, just stop by and get in touch with us and we'll either reinstate you or put you in tryout status to prove your willingess to be active once more. I'm sorry that it has to come to this, but with the new merger, we can't have a list of 20 people and half of them being inactive. As for the old news, you can check the archives (found in the Links).
December 12 -DriveBy-
Ok, Big News, Big Explanation: We have entered into a merger with Clan EDK. This will hopefully bring the best out of both clans and offer a more active setting for our combined members. However, due to the overall size, everyone cannot make the new clan. Check the Member page to check your status. As for those that do not make the journey, I am sorry but at this time, it's the way it has to be. I know that this comes as a big surprise and offers a lot of tension, but even with the closeness and friendly nature of our Eliminate clan, the status had becoming too inactive and was becoming more of a "meeting" ground instead of a clan. In essence, we have gone from one extreme to the other. However, with time and persistance, we will survive this move and in the end, be a better clan. So I ask all members involved, please try as hard as possible to endure the growing pains and remember our final goals: To play this game with our Friends, Play for Fun, and Enjoy our Time together. If there are any questions, please feel free to e-mail me or message me or whatever, I want to be here for anyone that needs me to answer any of your questions/comments.
December 10 -DriveBy-
Well, I got my copy of Quake2 today (1st day store had it) and I am simply amazed at the detail. Sure, the multiplay code needs maintenance, but everything else is by far and away the best product ever in a 1st person shooter. I will be spending considerable time playing through the single player, very much unlike Quake1.
December 9 -DriveBy-
OH MY! It's the day of reckoning. Get your punk asses out to the computer store and buy the f00kin Quake2 game TODAY! Hopefully some really big news, g00d news, will be announced soon. Back to Quake2, id will be releasing a so-called Point release and a free DMpack soon. 
December 4 -DriveBy-
Hey, it's my BirthDay today. w0000p! Anyway, Judge has redone the SKIN for our viewing pleasure. Download it and overwrite the old version. You'll definitely like it. Now lets hope 3rd party skins are incorporated into Quake2?