EKM Match - OGL #1 This evening, we played EKM for the #1 spot on OGL. First map was q3ctf1. This map was fun. EKM played hard and fast offense. Resp got pwt many o timez. We won 11-1. The second map was q3wcp9. Another crazy map. I don't think EKM liked playing defense. They preferred playing 4-O. So that made my job quite difficult as flad d. Resp stopped playing middle and played flag d with me. Again, Resp got pwt the entire game.
News in my briefs. All kinds of craziness. Hauntz has joined the clan and you can check his profile here. New OSP came out with a cool bug that lets you spawn with fresh health/armor. That should be fun to deal with till next year when OSP is patched. Was a time when there was almost daily builds... |