Date/Time Opponent Tourney
3/2/2003 9:00:00 PMElements of DestructionOGL

Q U O T E   M E ! ! ! -  "<Zoid> I think I'm gonna PK some koreans tonight."

Monday, September 6, 2004

Posted by StingRay@ 5:25 PM EDT

    Hows it goin.

Film at 11.

Monday, July 12, 2004

10 Gayge
Posted by StingRay@ 8:33 PM EDT

    On Friday we voted to let 10 gage into the clan but we weren't able to find him, guess why? He joined another clan. TBLM, whatever the Hell that is. Those Bitches Lick Men is my best guess.

More proof right here:
«@ [TBLM]babyklr» we have a anal sex plan that he was really into

Screw you 10 gage. Have fun with your stupid gay crappy clan. I dare you to challenge us some time. We'd be more than glad to smack you losers down.

Monday, June 28, 2004

Posted by StingRay@ 10:09 PM EDT

    Howdy folks. Free t-shirts for the first 50 people to actually read this message (available in style(s): baby tee, wife-beater, ass coat). To report your win, go to IRC and declare yourself the winner! YOU CAN'T LOSE. Offer void in Nebraska, the Phillipines, and Tibet.

So on to the clan news. Well in the past uh... 9 fucking months since the last post a lot has changed. We have a new president, electric flying cars are now the predominant mode of transportation, and midgets can cure cancer. Oh yea clan news... There isn't any! I think we have a tryout named 10gauge wire. He's got a pretty high current rating so we might step him up with a transformer so we can crank out continuous 50,000 volts to power respect's rap quote generator.

"don't talk just hold y0 breath... been here a while theres only one nigga left....and all of yall know my style...i spend dough but i still let it pile....mama shake y0 thang....coochie get wet while the bass beat bang" -respect's rap quote generator


Friday, August 29, 2003

Another update!?
Posted by plix@ 7:56 AM EDT

    I know, but Raybert is an info fiend...what can I do?
Another Qcon has come and gone. The major highlight of this year: CTF. Cloud9 pulled off a strait run through the tourney and walked away Qconchamps. Congrats to them in there accomplishment. While the games were intense and the battles hard fought, they were some of the most boring CTF games I've ever been witness to. Nothing like seeing TDM with flags for 3 days. One thing the Americans had the privilege to see, were the Euro's. Now these guys, IMO, are on a different level. They put on a show for us, but unfortunately their style of play is quite different then ours (they play 5's in all Euro games, we play 4's) so while they did their best to adjust it just didn't happen for them. To anyone who wants to see some of the sickest, coordinated attacks ever go grab any demo from CHTVthat has Gunzoids, Against all Authority or MtW. They really were just awesome. On a side note, Zero4 walked away with his 1v1 tourney trophy quite handedly. Last years champs, LeXeR, just wasn't getting the job done. My understanding is, he's not half as active as he used to be, and the level that the duelers are playing at now-a-days is just insane.

Oh man I need a coffee (7AM here, gah!).

On to my little rant on the CTF scene. PLAY CPMA.

Challenges 3 is back on track. Get over to Challenge TV and take a look at those brackets! Some incredible games ahead, and some incredible games played. If you want to see non-stop action for 15 strait minutes to yourself the favor. Seriously. I'm praying, now that QCon is over (PLEASE GOD!) that a possible CPMA CTF tourney is in the works, behind the scenes, anything. I'll be posting a column on this later today and my general opinion about the CTF scene over on my on site. Stay posted, it's going to be a good one.

RA3. I can't believe I just typed that. Anyway, new RA3 update, 1.7 I believe, fixes net code (CPMA) adds fullbright skins (CPMA) and a slew of other nifty little features that the damn game has needed since it was released. So for anyone interested get over to the RA3 site and dl, or, if you actually have a clue and get over the FileShack and download.

Stay tuned for more fun filled, action packed updates, here at!

Tuesday, July 15, 2003

A long time coming.
Posted by plix@ 1:11 PM EDT

    Well, where to begin. It's been quite a while since an update to the page, lets take it from the top...
QCON; I could get into the long, drawn out discussion about how a handful of clans got boned, hardcore, during the qualifiers. I could get into how there are at least 10 clans more then deserving an invite of some sort to the Ctf event; how certain clans have stood the test of time and are still top tier, competitive ctf diehards, but it's been done. Needless to say KI is not attending and gl to all the clans that are. Show the world what they've been missing out on, in regards to ctf.

NLAN; A rather uplifting experience for KI. In 2 days of some hardfought battles, both in the arena and in the compition area (it was over 100 degree's in the place the whole time) KI prevailed for a much deserved win at NLAN. It's the third year KI has attended and what looks to be the last, KI took home the gold. Big thanks to D2K, pangu and to all who made the event a good time.

OGL; KI is holding on to rung 3 in one of the few remaining open world league ladders. We haven't seen to much action on the ladder, as of late, but QCON is putting a dent in everything as clans prepare for the tourney.

Those are some of the bigger events that have occured, both with KI and the Ctf community. We recently saw Sui make a move over to EoD. We were sad to see him go, but wish him the best in his endevours, gl.

We're in kind of a limbo as of right now. QCON is taking up everyones time, and not much has been mentioned, in the way of upcoming online events. I'm not sure if this is the next step in the evolution of the Quake community or just a lull in the scene in general. Either way, KI will be anxiously awaiting our next challenge.

Until the next update, pz.

Friday, March 28, 2003

Ctfx3 week 3
Posted by plix@ 9:37 AM EST

    Slipped up, but recovered quickly

DTS vs KI Q3w5
Gospel Crossings...This is a map KI rarely see's and imo is what DTS was looking for. It was a drawn out game, with DTS running the PU for about 80% of the time. DTS went up first and pretty much was expected. We played the "sit back and see what happens" routine for the first 5-8 minutes of the game. They ran 2 O, 2 D almost exclusively. We managed to relay their flag back for the tieing score and went into a frenzy in the last 3 minutes. As soon as DTS went 3 O we capitilzed.

KI over DTS 2-1

DTS vs KI Q3wcp9
The tried and the true, and we gave it up to em in OT. DTS got out in front first and pretty much kept enough pressure on us to keep us in the defensive posture for most of the match. We managed to tie it up, but in the first minutes of OT we got a little disorientated and DTS managed to pull off the winning cap.

DTS over KI 2-1

DTS vs KI Q3ctf2
Troubled waters. KI hasn't seen this one in a while, but ctf2 is a map well known my the us. DTS didn't focus on the middle as much as they should have, and really their choice of 2 D, 2 O is what hurt them. Ctf2 forces the "floater" on a clan and DTS wasn't have'n it. With Resp successfully floating the mid and flag room our offense really focused on beating on the D. DC and n8 played extremely well together, making attacks in unison almost every time. Strat is what counted on this map and KI made it stick. DTS did manage to get across once, though, and gg to them.

KI over DTS 3-1

On a side note, vagus's CTFx2 movie is up! He's got links and mirros all over. Stop by the CTFx site and get a list of mirrors from the forum section. I think there are also links at cached and, most definatley at ctfzone. So go get, it kicks ass.

Friday, March 14, 2003

Ctfx3 week 2
Posted by plix@ 9:59 AM EST

    KI keeps roll'n
We've had a busy week. KI succesfully defended its number 1 position on OGL for the third consecutive challenge. WSC played solid games but KI is in full swing for ctfx and working like a well oiled machine. GG's all around and we look foward to playing WSC in the future. On to Ctfx...

KI vs HBL q3wcp9
The staple for KI, good ol cp9. To say KI locked down PU's is an understatement. From the get go it was all KI. HBL played big time D as soon as KI made its first cap. They were 3 D 90% of the attacks from O, but due to that fact that KI got 99% of the PU's (own, mid, theirs) they could not keep KI out. It was rock solid performance by the entire KI squad and the score showed it.

KI over HBL 9-0

KI vs HBL q3ctf3
Yes, the map is right! An oldie that KI hasn't seen in a long, long while. "The Stronghold", and that's exactly what it was. We saw the debut of KI's new guy, Hauntz. He made the first cap in the first 3 minutes, and that was it for the game. HBL decided 1 cap was all they were letting out and went into Defense mode. They managed to get our flag out around the 12 minute mark at the same time we got their's out. That was it. KI had a tuffer time controlling mid PU, but the fact that it was Regen almost every time, made the lack of control not a big deal. This one was a sleeper boys and girls

KI over HBL 1-0

KI vs HBL q3w3
Finny's! One of KI's favorites. It's been a while since KI has played this map, but it was solid PU control that put KI way out in front. HBL stuck with the heavy D, but with Haste in the mix they couldn't keep the flag safe for long. Resp's solid D and tranz's ownage in mid, made N8's and Hauntz' job nice and cushy. By the 12 minute mark KI was running all 3 PU's and the game was KI's.

KI over HBL 6-0

This was KI's first encounter with HBL, and they were a good bunch of guys. They kept the match clean and it was fun to play an up and coming squad. I hope they do well this season and more importantly, come back for next season. GG's.

Thursday, March 13, 2003

ctfx3 week 2 - HBL
Posted by Tranz@ 11:31 PM EST

    Tonight we played the House of Blue Lights in our second week of the ctfx3 tournament. We chose cp9 as our map, and HBL chose good ole ctf3. HBL has strong players with nice aim. On cp9, HBL played conservatively for the first 8 minutes. Once we spread them out, we began scoring. The final score was 9-0 KI.

The second map was q3ctf3. This map was definitely HBL's map. It is a maze map with a base where it is hard to get the flags out. Hauntz in the first 5 min got a quick cap out, and that proved to be the only cap that we could pull. The last 10 minutes was a long flag standoff that was held until the final buzzer. The score after 20 was 1-0 KI.

The third and final map was w3. HBL played rather defensively here also. Even if teams choose to play heavy d, w3 allows a flag carrier to outrun and misdirect his persuers. HBL played this map well. KI got a few out. Great job on offense N8_Dawg and Hauntz! Respect played flag d. I think he needs to have a little lesson from trnz on how to flag d there. The flag got out entirely too much. Final score was 6-0 KI.

Screenshots are below for each map.

Game 1 - Game 2 - Game 2

Tuesday, March 11, 2003

e! in 2
Posted by plix@ 11:02 AM EST

    Ctfx3 and this is KI's time to shine.
Last night was KI's debut for season 3 of the high profile ctf leauge ctfx. To say we were going in mentally prepared is an understatement. KI has been waiting for this game, and while we could have been better prepared we came through when we needed to. On to the run down:

Game 1 q3wcp15
It was big, brown, and ugly, and it was e!'s pick. No rail, no sweat. Actually this was a map that KI was definately not expecting. e!, as always, were all over pu's, but KI dominated control for the majority of the game. e! played an extremely defensive game in mid for most of the game. They were try'n to get 3 in the whole time, with flag d way out in mid, but some hardcore defense from both Tranz and Resp was not to be broken. DevilCow decided to strike first and KI was up 1-0 going into the eighteen minute mark. e!, never to rest on their laurels managed squeek out a cap oso close to the 20 minute mark. This segway'd into a 12 minute overtime. e! lost the time on the PU. This was the moment KI was waiting for. In the last few seconds of the game DC stayed back in their base with their flag and n8_dawg rushed PU. In the confusion of PU and their flag "lost", DC made a quick run across mid to win it in OT.

KI over e! 2-1

Game 2 q3wcp9
KI's homecourt advantage. RDX made a quick cap in the first 2 minutes of the game, but KI had not even started to play. Within 3 minutes from e! cap KI was back up 2-1. From there it got hairy. e! was pressing very hard on our defense from that point on. With them overcommiting so much, KI managed two more caps. PU control was weaker in this map for KI. With mid falling back as much as they did KI lost control of PU's for several cycles, but managed to regain control and lock their base down. e! managed 1 more cap before all was said and done.

KI over e! 4-2

Game 3 q3wcp14

Game 3 was not meant to be. e! decided to forfiet their third map, making it a clean sweep for KI in their game 1 of ctfx3.

Monday, March 3, 2003

EoD OGL Match.
Posted by Time2Die@ 2:20 PM EST

    Last night we defended our OGL spot against EoD successfully. We won our pick of cp9 6-1 and their pick cp1 6-1. Here's the screenshots: Game1 : Game2

GG Guys!

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